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Getting through the next few hours

If you are finding it difficult to focus or are unsure how to manage the next few hours, writing down what you’ll do next might help you feel more in control of the situation.

Once you've gone through it, it might be helpful to save your plan to help you remember in case you're struggling again in the future.

This is completely anonymous, you don’t need to share it with anyone, and everything you write down will be erased as soon as you close the window.

We do not endorse anything we link through to from this form. Everything has been suggested from people with experience of going through a mental health crisis.

If you are worried about the content of anything listed here, please let us know at digidev@mind.org.uk and we'll look into it as soon as we can.

Get through 5 minutes....

Try and think short term. Just think about getting through this one step. Look at a clock and see what the time it will be at the end of this activity and focus on that. Try not to think about what to do afterwards.

Here are some suggestions by people who have been through something similar to what you're feeling right now, but if they've worked for someone else, maybe they will work for you.

Ready to try 10 mins?

Don't worry if you're not ready for a longer amount of time. Let's try 5 minutes again. You can do the same thing, or something different...

Get through the next 10 minutes...

Well done, the first step is often the hardest and you've just made it. Now let's try 10 minutes.

you don't have to use our suggestions, just do something that works for you.

  • Get a pen and some paper, draw a squiggle across the page, then colour in all the gaps
  • Wash your face, brush your hair and your teeth
  • Go outside, take 5 deep breaths, come back inside
  • Pick the first thing you see, and draw it the best you can
  • Lay on the floor, try and get as much of your body touching the floor as possible
Ready to try 20 mins?

Don't worry if you're ready for a longer amount of time. Let's try 10 minutes again. You can do the same thing, or something different...

Get through the next 20 mins....

Yes! You did it!

Now look at a clock. What time will it be in 20 mins?

Here are some suggestions for longer activities. Give them a go.

  • Listen to an episode of the Archers
  • Do the washing up
  • Do 10 squats
  • Say or write the alphabet backwards (no mistakes)
  • Do you have any musical instruments lying around? See if you can pick out a simple tune
  • Put all the pillows and blankets you can find on your bed or sofa, sit underneath them and count to 100.
  • Find a pack of cards and sort it into order
  • Change the sheets on your bed
  • Write down which of these you feel like
  • Listen to what Alan Watts thinks of life
Ready to try 30 mins?

Don't worry if you're ready for a longer amount of time. Let's try 20 minutes again. You can do the same thing, or something different...

Get through the next 30 mins...

You're doing so well, you should be *so* proud of yourself.

Now lets try a bit longer.

Here are some things that should take about 30 mins to get through. Which one do you think will work for you?

Ready to try an hour?

Don't worry if you're ready for a longer amount of time. Let's try 30 minutes again. You can do the same thing, or something different...

Get through the next hour...

How was that? You're doing so well.

Here are some suggestions from our supporters on what will help you through the next hour:

Ready to try 2 hours?

Don't worry if you're ready for a longer amount of time. Let's try 1 hour again. You can do the same thing, or something different...

Get through the next 2 hours

How did you find that?

Don't worry if you're ready for a longer amount of time. Let's try 2 hours again. You can do the same thing, or something different...

Look how far you've come. We hope that some of the exercises you've gone through have helped you to feel better, or has at least got you through a difficult couple of hours.

That is the end of our communities suggestions for now. If you're still feeling unsafe, maybe you could try starting from the beginning, or head back to the hub and try other parts of the tool.

Would you like to keep your answers somewhere safe?

No one but you will see it and everything you write down will be erased as soon as you close the window.